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Sports and Entertainment Venues

Offering legal guidance to diverse entities including sports teams, recreational venues, hotels, dining and nightlife establishments.
Baseball field

Sports and Entertainment Venues Overview

Unlocking Sponsorship Opportunities While Navigating Tied-House Laws

Suppliers and wholesalers often seek sponsorship opportunities at large venues such as stadiums, arenas, concert halls, golf and tennis tournaments and racetracks.  In most instances there are also retail licenses associated with these venues. Because federal and state tied-house laws forbid suppliers and wholesalers from giving anything of value to a retailer, it is essential that both the sponsor and the venue understand the relationship between sponsorship opportunities and tied-house restrictions.  The Danow Group is available to assist suppliers, wholesalers and large venues who seek to take advantage of sponsorship opportunities without violating the law.

Who We Serve

  • Retailers
  • Wholesalers and Importers
  • Brand Owners
  • Manufacturers
  • Third Party and Service Providers
  • Warehousing


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Latest News

Stay informed on the critical current issues impacting the Sports and Entertainment Venues industry

The Rules Are Changing

Recently the TTB has been examining its regulations and making adjustments. There is an extensive process which the TTB must follow before it can change a regulation, which includes publishing the proposed rule and allowing the public to comment.   STANDARDS OF FILL Effective January 10, 2025, the TTB amended its regulations related to standards of […]

Limitations On Gifts And Services

Under §101 of New York State’s Alcoholic Beverage Control Law, suppliers and wholesalers  (“Industry Members”) are forbidden to “Make any gift or render any service of any kind whatsoever, directly or indirectly, to any person licensed under [the alcoholic beverage control law] which in the judgment of the liquor authority may tend to influence such licensee to purchase the […]

Mandatory Information And Social Media

Suppliers and wholesalers (“Industry Members”) must comply with the TTB’s mandatory advertising requirements set forth in the regulations under §§ 4.62 (wine), 7.233 (malt beverages) and 5.233 (spirits).

Ready to get started?

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The Danow Group PLLC is the successor to Danow, McMullan & Panoff, P.C.
The Danow Group PLLC is a professional limited liability company formed under the laws of the state of New York.
© 2025 All Rights Reserved, The Danow Group, PLLC
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