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Wills, Trusts & Estates

Crafting a comprehensive succession plan for holders of licensed businesses demands a nuanced understanding of regulatory requirements and licensing qualifications. The Danow Group recognizes the unique challenges posed by regulatory restrictions in estate planning and is committed to providing tailored solutions.
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Wills, Trusts & Estates Overview

Succession Planning for Licensed Entities

  • Experienced guidance on considering licensing qualifications when creating a succession plan for holders of licensed entity interests.
  • Recognition of state-imposed limitations on the number and types of licenses an individual can hold.

Spousal and Family Plans

  • Insight into state-specific regulations, such as restrictions on multiple off-premise licenses.
  • Strategies for addressing limitations when spouses each have an interest in a licensed entity, ensuring effective transfer plans.
  • Advice on how trusts can be employed to navigate licensing-related challenges in estate planning.

Regulatory Considerations

  • Awareness of the disqualification of individuals with felony records from holding interests in licensed entities.
  • Understanding restrictions on individuals holding interests in different tiers (e.g., supplier/wholesale vs. retail) within the beverage-alcohol and cannabis industries.
  • Strategies for using trusts to address tied-house issues and achieve estate planning goals that might be otherwise restricted.

The Danow Group is ready to assist you and your advisors in navigating the complexities of transferring assets subject to regulatory and licensing requirements. We help ensure that your estate plan aligns with regulatory considerations, providing a seamless transition for licensed business interests.

Latest News

Stay informed on the critical current issues related to Wills, Trusts & Estates Law

Who Is In Charge Here?

In a six to three decision the Supreme Court of the United States overturn the Chevron doctrine, which was named after the 1984 landmark case Chevron v Natural Resources Defense Council.

Federal Trade Commission Seeks To Ban Non-Compete Agreements

The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) has issued a final rule which bans most agreements that restrict an employee’s ability to compete with its employer. 

New York Bar

New Laws Come With The New Budget

Several new alcoholic beverage control laws were included in the new Budget.  These changes are intended to speed up the application process and to give the State Liquor Authority more flexibility to grant licenses and permits. 

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The Danow Group PLLC is the successor to Danow, McMullan & Panoff, P.C.
The Danow Group PLLC is a professional limited liability company formed under the laws of the state of New York.
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